Helping Daughter with BIG Decisions
Your daughter's big decisions. I'm not talking about what to have for dinner, or what to do on a Friday night, (although those often FEEL like big decisions to tweens and teens)! I'm talking about the bigger decisions. Decision like who they might want to be...
How to Talk to Your Daughter about Her GPA & Grades
Your daughter's grades and her GPA. I hear this conversation from both sides - really ALLLL the sides. Parents come to me and talk to me about how their kids grades are tanking, and they're not doing as well as they used to. They're worried about it, but the kids...
How to Improve Your Daughter’s Self Image
I want to talk to you about something that is so important for our young girls which is, their self image. I want to talk about the self image of YOUR daughter. Unfortunately, this is something that is becoming a bigger and bigger issue. The incidence of anxiety and...
How to Stay Connected with Your Tween
Have you ever said or thought... "My daughter is in her room all the time!" or "My daughter is on her phone all the time!" "I don't even feel like I know her or what's going on!" You are not alone, and this has always been a pervasive issue for moms and daughters....
How to Help Your T(w)een DEAL with COVID WINTER
Let’s talk about COVID-19 and your kiddos. Back at the beginning of COVID I wrote a blog post about how to help your kiddo stay active during quarantine. It still holds up - but we were (I was) SO NAIVE back then, and so here we are seven months later, and we're...
Teen boredom and COVID-19
While they COULD sit around and binge watch YouTube Challenges, or play Fortnight until their thumbs fall off… here are some alternatives to help leverage this unexpected time at home in more productive ways…